Since I haven't been very good at blogging much lately, I thought I'd share some picture of some of the baby donkeys that have been born at our Funny Farm over the last three years. The babies are so cute and so rambunctious and full of personality. They really do give you lots of reasons to SMILE ~ ask anyone who's met a new baby donkey in person!

At 12 hours old, Hailey Lou the Little Moo just couldn't wait to stretch those legs of hers!

Baby Snitch trying to eat his mom Shadow. He's been rotten since day #1!

Sweet Pea was soooooo tired after a big day in the pasture.

Sweet Pea showing off her new green halter. (They don't make horse halters tiny enough, so this is actually a halter for a baby llama!

Snitch didn't get his fill biting his poor mama, so he tried to take a bite out of me!

Lady Jane Grey reeeeeeally loved her cheek scritches!

Sweet Baby Snitch before he figured out how to use his teeth!

Baby Petunia had the best bangs of them all! Soooooo poofy!

Hailey Lou the Little Moo at 12 hours old. Still a little damp, but ears up and at full attention!

Ella, Denali, Shasta (Denali's baby) and Lady Jane Grey (Ella's baby). Don't the babies look like the "Push-Me-Pull-You" from Dr. Doolittle?

Lady Jane Grey strutting her stuff in her new red halter. Even my husband was impressed.

Baby Petroushka, with mom Pandora. She looked a lot more like a dalmation than a donkey at first!
And so concludes the first installment of Baby Donkeys ~ Reasons to Smile! Hope they brightened your day. They brighten mine every day!